Yard Sale Withdrawal

It has been a while since I last checked in with you about my yard sale and thrift finds. Truth be told, I have been trying to stay away from yard sales and thrifts. I have been bitten by the de-clutter bug. My inner self is having a major struggle, though. I love going to yard sales and tis the season! I also love a neater house than what I currently have. As I battle this out, let me share with you some treasures my yard sale/thrift self managed to smuggle into the de-clutterer’s house.

This dish lover couldn’t pass up these large white plates. They have a really lovely raised design around the edge which will work nicely with a number of other designs. Only one plate was marked with a red dot which apparently meant $1. When I inquired if that was $1 per plate, one of the rummage sale pricers said I could have all four for a total of $2. That worked for me.

This Arthur Amour aluminum tray was at the same rummage sale. I saw it when I walked in to the sale but didn’t pick it up right away. It was marked $5 and I wasn’t sure I wanted to spend that much on it. After finding only the $2 plates and remembering that I had a 20 percent off coupon (yes, a coupon for a rummage sale, how great is that?!), I decided I would take it if it was still waiting for me at the entry table. It is a very nice weight and I like the lily pad design, especially for $4 after my coupon.

Since this was a Sunday rummage sale, we really only planned on this one stop. However, on the way to the sale we noticed a sign for a yard sale outside our small town. We decided to stop by on our way back home. I picked up a painted wooden charger-size plate to use as a guinea pig for ASCP experimenting, some wooden spring clothes pins, and two old books. The cookbook is from the 40’s.

It has indented tabs like you’d see on a dictionary or an old encyclopedia. I really like reading the notes written in by a previous owner.

This was one cookbook that was used. There are pencil marks next to many recipes. Many say VG, which I believe means that recipe must have been “Very Good”.

I also found this old book at the same sale.

I don’t know much about it as I haven’t had time to do any research. I liked the interesting cover and that it was from the late 1800’s.

Not bad treasure hunting for a Sunday afternoon. And I limited myself to just two sales this weekend, so not bad.

I had a day off from work and it also coincided with National Thrift Store Day. What kind of thrifter would I be if I didn’t stop in at least one thrift store on this day? Even though my inner de-clutterer wasn’t too thrilled, the thrifter in me felt obligated. I was close to the Salvation Army Thrift so popped in there.

I found this little wooden tiered shelf for $1.99 and a nice wooden frame for the same price. I think this shelf will be just the thing for one of my first ASCP projects. Just the right size, don’t you think? Once finished, I plan to use it to display some little treasures which should help the de-clutterer feel a little better as well.

Are any of you wrestling with your inner de-clutterer?

I hope to stop by the following parties, Knick of Time’s Knick of Time Tuesday, Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays at Coastal Charm, Today’s Thrifty Treasures at Southern Hospitality, Thrifty Things Friday at The Thrifty Groove, and The Penny Worthy Project at Hey, What’s for Dinner Mom?


About tammylovesdishes

I love searching for dishes for tablescaping. That leads me to yard sales and thrift shops and fun, fun, fun.
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8 Responses to Yard Sale Withdrawal

  1. Verna says:

    Lovely finds Tammy, and yes I am struggling with the same problem!

  2. Oh Tammy I am trying to declutter and not bring new stuff into the home. It is hard for a junker but the home is a mess and I must get it under control. I must say I love the Aluminum tray!
    hugs, Linda

  3. Ted says:

    Sounds like a fun day!

  4. I am trying to declutter as well but it is hard to resist bringing home a “treasure”! Love the white plates.

  5. I hear you Tammy

    I have tried I said TRIED to leave the yard sale alone
    I have an entire room in the lower level of my house of boxes of things I am trying to sell at my next yard sale.
    I have done this maybe twice in the last few years.
    I love the hunt and the find, but not the clean out stuff from your house deal LOL

  6. debra says:

    I could not have passed up purchasing that old cookbook! Even if I did not keep it forever and passed it on I’d have wanted to peruse it for awhile! 🙂

  7. Mary says:

    Decluttering and thrifting~ what a battle 🙂 You always find such bargains~ the thrill of the hunt would be hard to resist! Love the cookbook!

  8. Oh, I so understand what you are saying Tammy! I have only stopped at yard sales one day this summer! It has been killing me! I am holding out for a local city wide yard sale the weekend after Labor day. I just want to deal with the stuff i already have and try to keep our home from overflowing with treasures! With all that said, I do love your new thrifted goodies! That aluminum tray is stunning! Thank you for sharing at TTF and have a fun day!

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