Lunch Hour Thriftiness

There is nothing better than spending your lunch hour with a close friend, unless it is spending said lunch hour thrifting with that friend! Today was one of those double-treat days. We decided to check out the thrift store close to our offices to see what goodies were in the shop today.

Here is an overview of the fun stuff I found today.

My friend, S, spotted this beautiful crystal candlestick and shared it with me. I love the large base on this and the whole thing is quite heavy. S picked up two crystal candlesticks with more of a pedestal look to them. I found a pretty crystal plate with handles for her. She is going to merge her candlestick with the plate to create a one-of-a-kind cookie/cake stand.

When I saw these I just had to grab them up. There were four pair. I thought about how I wanted to do something to our kitchen one day. I remembered the kitchen remodel post at The Empty Nest and how she used these to create a cozy kitchen. I am putting them in my “one day” stack because one day I will get those cabinets painted and one day I might put these up under those painted cabinets.

I also shopped for my daughter. She is going to start sewing using her grandmother’s old Singer. She needed someplace to put the machine. Today I found the perfect little cart on wheels. I think this might be an old typing stand; it has two side leaves that fold down. It’s nice and sturdy and will be perfect for a small sewing table. I also found Halloween pancake molds; a pumpkin, cat and ghost for her since she loves all things Halloween. Finally she is getting a Nordic Ware microwave egg cooker. This was on her list of things she wanted me t0 look for. I can assure you I would never have looked at these before she brought them to my attention. They look a little obscene actually.

My friend found some curtain clips new in the bag and gave them to me. That is what is fun about thrifting with a friend. They will share with you and brainstorm with you about how to use the things your find together.

I found a package of four star-shaped bowls. Love stars. These white stars can go with lots of tablescapes.

My friend found Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore s&p shakers as well as Winnie the Pooh seasonal plaques. Her granddaughter will love them! She also snatched up a nice set of glass dinner plates with embossed fruits. Learning from my mistake at the church yard sale, after asking me if I wanted them (isn’t she so sweet?) she didn’t leave them around for someone else to grab. Good job, S!

We left well satisfied with our lunch hour thriftiness and the opportunity to spend time together doing something we both enjoy.

I hope to link up with parties at Apron Thrift Girl at her next Thrift Share Monday, Her Library Adventures at the next Flea Market Finds, and Coastal Charm’s Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays and Tales from Bloggeritaville’s Thrifty Thursday.


About tammylovesdishes

I love searching for dishes for tablescaping. That leads me to yard sales and thrift shops and fun, fun, fun.
This entry was posted in Dishes, Garage Sales, Thrifting, Yard Sales. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Lunch Hour Thriftiness

  1. What an awesome lunch hour! I can’t think of a better way to spend my time than thrifting with a good friend and bring home all those lovelies!

  2. angelika says:

    what a fabulous lunch time adventure. i agree, that it’s so much more fun thrifting with a friend. i do this with my sister quite often and we have a blast. it’s the perfect way to spend quality time with someone you love! i LOVE those star bowls – and don’t you love it when you find something obscure (like the sexy egg cooker) for someone? so great when that happens.
    love your blog!

  3. Debbie says:

    Jealous of you and S. 🙂

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